

The classes semf::DigitalInPolling, semf::DebouncedDigitalInPolling and semf::DigitalInInt handle and process the digital input signal from a normal semf::Gpio or an semf::ExternalInterrupt input. To configure an inverted input, call the setInverted() function. Alternativly you can set the inverted flag in the constructor. These classss dependend on a semf supplied interface class semf::Gpio which links the hardware input pin of the microcontroller and the semf library. All three implementations are based on the interface semf::app::DigitalIn.

The class triggers two signals after changing the digital input: changedToHigh and changedToLow. The hardware semf::Gpio pins can easily be configured either by using the vendors hardware configuration tool e.g. stm-cube or by calling the hardware functions for setting the pin.



To use a normal GPIO as input (without external interrupt handling) you can set up a semf::DigitalInPolling object. Take care, that the tick() function is called periodically e.g. by a semf::app::TimeBase.

// Inclusion of the predeclared and predefined class in the project.
#include "semf/hardwareabstraction/stm32l0/stm32l0gpio.h"
#include "semf/hardwareabstraction/stm32l0/stm32l0systick.h"
#include "semf/utils/system/timebase.h"
// Microcontroller pin definitions are stored in 'main.h'.
#include "main.h"
semf::Stm32L0Gpio gpio1(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_1);
semf::DigitalInPolling digInPin(gpio1, false);
// Configure a timebase on basis of 1ms systick timer and enable it
semf::TimeBase timebase1ms(semf::Stm32F4SysTick::instance(), true);
Class for reading a digital input in polling mode.
A TimeBase is the bridge between e.g. a hardware timer (interrupt service routine) and TickReceiver o...
Definition: timebase.h:24


changedToHigh and changedToLow signals must be connected to their corresponding slots. Checking the state of the the digital pin can be done manually at any point in time.

void onInputChangedToHigh()
// do something
void onInputChangedToLow()
// do something
semf::StaticSlot<> onInputChangedToHighSlot(onInputChangedToHigh);
semf::StaticSlot<> onInputChangedToLowSlot(onInputChangedToLow);
// Check manually
if (digInPin.state() == semf::DigitalIn::State::Low)
// do something
StaticSlot for lightweight signal/slot implementation. This StaticSlot ist for connecting a signal to...
Definition: staticslot.h:27


Often digital inputs, e.g. buttons, have to be debounced for a certain time. This can easily be done by using a semf::DebouncedDigitalInPolling object. It can be used same as the base class semf::DigitalInPolling with the extra feature of setting a debounced low and high time for signal excecution.


// Inclusion of the predeclared and predefined class in the project.
#include "semf/hardwareabstraction/stm32l0/stm32l0gpio.h"
#include "semf/hardwareabstraction/stm32l0/stm32l0systick.h"
#include "semf/input/digitanin/debounceddigitalinpolling.h"
#include "semf/utils/system/timebase.h"
// Microcontroller pin definitions are stored in 'main.h'.
#include "main.h"
semf::Stm32L0Gpio gpio1(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_1);
// debounced low time: 100ms
// debounced high time: 20ms
semf::DebouncedDigitalInPolling digInPin(gpio1, 100, 20, false);
// Configure a timebase on basis of 1ms systick timer and enable it
semf::TimeBase timebase1ms(semf::Stm32F4SysTick::instance(), true);
Class for reading and debouncing a digital input (e.g. used for buttons or relays inputs)....


The Usage is analog to semf::DigitalInPolling.


Take care that the external interrupt is configured correctly. For using a semf::Gpio as input triggered by an semf::ExternalInterrupt semf::DigitalInInt is the best choice. For external interrupt driven inputs no timer is neccessary.


// Inclusion of the predeclared and predefined class in the project.
#include "semf/hardwareabstraction/stm32l0/stm32l0gpio.h"
#include "semf/hardwareabstraction/stm32l0/stm32l0externalinterrupt.h"
// Microcontroller pin definitions are stored in 'main.h'.
#include "main.h"
semf::Stm32L0Gpio gpio1(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_1);
semf::Stm32L0ExternalInterrupt exti1(GPIO_PIN_1);
semf::DigitalInInt digInPin(gpio1, exti1, false);
Class for reading a digital input in interrupt mode.
Definition: digitalinint.h:25


The Usage is analog to semf::DigitalInPolling.